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ghd said: "this is amazing.The previous wizard is very powerful, they invented the fountain of youth and Felix Felicis, until now I have discovered which wizard to transcend their.We just have been modeled, in accordance with their stay potion formula potion.But for these drugs is how to do it, and how did they find what the potion ingredients to make this a magic potions, we don't know."

GHD Pink Orchid? Snape very excited, he adores Dalideer Professor Professor, although he is taught the history of magic, but in his classes, he never thought the history of magic and actually have so many secret cover.He was thinking, he is a great wizard.He hastened to say: "yes, Professor, I think so!"From his contact with potions to discover potions spell more powerful than actually, it can do many magic to do or not to do.The spell only with wand wizard can be used, but as long as there is a magic pill, which afraid is a squib can also like a wizard is powerful, as long as he could find a good potions master.He was unable to hold oneself back to Dalideer professor about his invention to some previous formula, because there is no money, he couldn't test their own formula is it right? Effective, and now although GHD couples treated him very well, but he didn't dare to ask them for money.

ghd nz while listening to one side, suddenly said: "do you think, will not have a magic formula can let people get eternal life?"He mused, "the fountain of youth can make people keep youth, but pharmacodynamic differ from man to man, when the efficacy after the end, people still will grow old.Will there be a potion that can make people keep youth, and maintain eternal life?"


